4 Temporary Fixes For A Leaking Roof That Will Eventually Need Repairs
4 Temporary Fixes For A Leaking Roof That Will Eventually Need Repairs If you’ve noticed that your roof isn’t in the best condition, chances are your roof is aging or has undergone damages due to bad weather. Here in Pittsburgh, it’s not uncommon to have heavy precipitation. This can wear out a roof quickly, causing leaks and other issues that can only be resolved by repairing or replacing the roof. With that being said, there are some cheap ways to fix leaks until you contact your Pittsburgh roofing company for repairs. These methods won’t completely fix or repair leaks; however, they will take care of the issue temporary. This will give you a few days to contact your roofing company for a repair or replacement.

1. Patching

Patching is a good way to manage a leak. If the leak is coming in through the attic, which is most often the case, use roofing tape to patch the leak from inside the attic. This is an easy and less dangerous way to temporarily stop a leak rather than climbing on the roof. This tape will not hold forever and will eventually lose the adhesive layer that helps it stick, but this is an effective method for smaller leaks until your Pittsburgh roofing contractor can suggest a permanent solution.

2. Tar Paper

Using tar paper or plastic roofing cement can provide an extra layer of protection over a leak. For this fix, you’ll have to get on the roof to cover the leak from the outside. Simply use either a trowel or a caulk gun to spread the tar paper out and either tuck it under the shingles or nail it into the roof.

3. Sheets

Plastic sheets are not only good for painting projects, but also for covering leaks. You can nail plastic sheets over the leak, but it’s likely that wind and rain will still cause the sheets to flap around. You can always weigh sheets down with bricks or other heavy materials. With rainy weather conditions, sheets can’t completely remedy a leak. After there’s one leak, more are bound to occur, so it’s important to find a roof repair Pittsburgh company to help mend these issues for good.

4. Tarps

Tarps are more reliable than sheets and sometimes even more than tar paper. While tarps are durable, they can be difficult to deal with. The best way to ensure they cover the entire leaking area is to either duct tape or nail them down. Water might run underneath the tarp if it’s not flush against the roof, but once it’s secure, it’ll provide some of the best protection from wind, rain, and snow.

Contacting Your Roofing Contractor in Pittsburgh PA

When you have a leaky roof, it can be tough to know what the best options are for repairs, especially if you’re on a tight budget. The temporary fixes we’ve mentioned above are cheap and efficient for a few days. Choosing a roofer in Pittsburgh can sometimes feel more complicated than the problem itself, but it’s our goal to bring you the best possible results so that you’re happy not only with your newly repaired or installed roof but also with our customer service. For more information about our services, contact us today for a consultation and a quote. Our team is ready to take care of all your Pittsburgh roofing needs so that you feel comfortable in your home once again!
Author: M&Y Pittsburgh Roofing Team