New roof on the house

A new roof is one of the most important investments you can make which brings most homeowners asking, “How can a new roof increase the value of the home?”

Other questions we get as professional roofers are:

  • How much value does a new roof add?
  • Will a new roof increase appraisal value of my home?
  • When should I replace my roof so that I can add value for resale?

Bottom line is that when your roof is in good condition, it keeps you and your family safe by protecting you from the elements, but it also has a big impact on the value of your home.

Good news! A new roof can provide a boost in home value and can even pay for itself over time if you get energy-efficient upgrades along with it. Rule of thumb is that a new roof can increase a home’s value by 5% to 15%.

Food for thought:

Remember that a roof protects you from rain and snow, heat, wind, and hail. If you have a bad roof, it can be very dangerous – negatively affecting the value for resale. A good roof will allow you to enjoy your home without worrying about getting wet or having to spend a lot of money on repairs when it gets damaged by wind or other weather conditions – positively affecting the value for resale.

Therefore, not only will a new roof (or repaired roof) increase the value of your property, but potential buyers will appreciate that they won’t need to spend any money on repairs or replacement in the near future if they buy your house instead of someone else’s property with an older style roof. You are increasing the value of your home by saving the future home buyer money. Does that make sense?

A New Roof Increases Value by How Much?

New roof increases home value

How much does a new roof increase home value? A new roof can add anywhere from 5% to 15% to the total value of your home. For example, if your home is worth $200,000 and you spend $20,000 on new siding and windows, that would increase its value by about $10,000. However, if you spent $20,000 on a new roof instead of new siding and windows, that would increase its value by about $15,000 because people often prefer new roofs over other exterior updates.

AND – If you replace your old roof with one that has higher energy efficiency ratings, you can increase the value even more in some cases. Roofing replacement costs are much higher than roofing repair costs. A new roof can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $35,000 depending on the size of your home and how much work needs to be done. However, replacing an existing roof with one that has a higher energy efficiency rating can be even more valuable in certain situations.

Common Improvements That Can Increase the Value of Your House

Many improvements can increase the value of your house. A new roof is one of them. New roofs are often one of the best things you can do for your home’s value. If you end up selling your house in the next 10 years, including a new roof in your renovation plans can make it more attractive to buyers and help get you more money for your home.

The benefits of having a new roof installed on your home are:

Longer Roof Life – A new roof will last for at least 20 years, even if it is made from the same material as an old roof. The main reason for this is that when a homeowner replaces an old roof, they usually get rid of any broken or cracked shingles and nail holes which may allow water into the attic space. They also use better quality materials than they had previously used when installing their first roof. The result is that they have a much more durable and long-lasting product which will reduce future maintenance costs significantly over time.

Reduced Energy Costs – A newer home has better energy efficiency ratings compared to older homes which generally means lower heating and cooling bills which can save money on utility bills annually!

Improved Property Value – Newer homes are more attractive to potential buyers than older ones.

Weather Damage Protection – Weather damage leads to structural damage over time.

Reduced Heating and Cooling Costs – The roof creates an air barrier between the inside of your home and the outside environment, new roofs get up to date ventilation system for the attic space.

New Roofs Last Longer than Old Ones – There is less risk of needing a replacement again soon after the initial installation.

A Selling Point for Potential Buyers – Let’s not forget that a home with a new roof sells quicker than one nearing the end of its lifespan.

Tax Credits or Deductions – You may also be able to get tax credits or deductions for installing a new roof.

Other Common Improvements That Can Increase the Value of Your House

What improvements can increase the value of your house

Did you know there were other ways to improve value of your home? Aside from a new roof installation, making other improvements to your home can be a great way to add value and make it more appealing to buyers. Whether you’re planning to sell in the near future or not, there are some common improvements that can increase the value of your home.

  1. Renovating or updating the kitchen.
  2. Adding or updating bathrooms.
  3. Adding or finishing a basement.
  4. Adding a deck or patio.
  5. Updating the heating and cooling system.
  6. Updating the electrical system.
  7. Replacing the roof.
  8. Making the home more energy efficient.

Making even a few of these improvements can add significant value to your home. If you’re planning to sell in the near future, consult with a real estate agent to get an idea of which improvements will be most beneficial.

Reasons to Install a New Roof

What are the reasons to install a new roof

A new roof is a big investment, but there are many good reasons to install a new roof on your home. Here are a few reasons to consider a new roof:

  1. A new roof will protect your home from the elements.
  2. A new roof will improve the appearance of your home.
  3. A new roof will add value to your home.
  4. A new roof will extend the life of your home.
  5. A new roof will help you save money on energy bills.
  6. A new roof will give you peace of mind.

Installing a new roof is a big decision, but it can be a great investment for your home. If you are considering a new roof, be sure to talk to a qualified roofing contractor to get more information and a free estimate.

When should I replace or repair my roof to add value?

Learning when to replace or repair a roof isn’t really too hard. To be honest, when we are made aware there is roof damage – well, there is roof damage! And it needs to be fixed! There is just no way to get around that. The biggest culprit here is not that there is roof damage. It’s that we procrastinate. It’s common that we all tend to put things off, right? However, it is important not too.

Here’s why.

If you try and sale your home with a damaged roof (minor or major), there is no question it will negatively affect your home’s resale value.

Several signs may indicate it’s time to replace your roof. Let’s look at a variety of roof damages that will decrease the value of your home if not taken care of within a timely fashion.


The most common damage is that the existing roof is old and has started to leak. Roofs can leak and become damaged due to extreme weather conditions such as hailstorms or heavy winds.

If water is coming into your house even when there aren’t storms outside, then this could be caused by damaged flashing around vents or chimneys. It may also mean that there are gaps between shingles or other problems caused by age and wear and tear.

Damage from Tree Branches

Roofing systems can also be damaged by tree branches falling on them or other debris falling off nearby buildings. If any of these things happen, then it’s crucial to get repairs done right away. Remember that regular maintenance is key!

Your Roof’s Lifespan is Expired

You may want to consider having a new roof installed is if the current one is damaged or worn out. This could be caused by a variety of different things including:

Wind Damage

If you live in an area that experiences severe weather, then you know how quickly wind can cause damage to your home’s roof. Not only will wind damage cause leaks but it can also lead to other problems such as wood rot and mold growth. This means that if you don’t have your roof replaced quickly, then there’s a good chance that it will require even more work down the line.

Fire Damage

Many homeowners don’t realize how much smoke damage affects their home’s value until after they’ve already put out their own fires. The most common cause for fire-related loss is faulty electrical wiring within walls or ceilings which leads to electrical fires spreading quickly throughout entire houses if not contained immediately upon discovery.

Discoloration or Faded Shingles

If you see any discoloration or fading on your shingles, this could mean they’re worn out. A new roof will restore their color and protect them from further damage. If you’re seeing crumbling edges or severe wear, then you’re going to need a replacement.

Mold or Mildew Growth

If there’s visible mold or mildew growth on the underside of your shingles, then it’s probably time for a replacement as well. This can indicate problems with the ventilation in your attic which prevents moisture from drying out and can lead to mold growth. If you find that your shingles are curling or cupping, then this is also a sign that they need replacement. Curling shingles indicate problems with water runoff which may mean that it’s time for a new roof.

Roof Replacement FAQs

A brick house with a new roof

Are you considering a roof replacement? If so, you probably have a lot of questions. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about roof replacement to help you make the best decision for your home:

What is the best time of year to have your roof replaced?

The best time of year to have your roof replaced is when it’s not too hot or too cold outside. In other words, wait until the spring or fall when the weather is milder, and your roof won’t be exposed to extreme temperatures.

My roof is 20 years old, should I replace it?

If you live in an area where you experience a lot of rain, snow, and wind then it is probably time for a new roof. Older roofs are designed to last about 20 years and yours has reached that age. It is also important to note that if your roof leaks or the shingles are curling up water can seep through and damage the structure of the roof.

Will a new roof increase my homeowner’s insurance?

Installing a new roof may increase your homeowner’s insurance premium, or not. In some cases, it goes down. However, you’re in better shape physically and financially with a newer roof in the eyes of the insurance company. And if the premium does go up— it also means that if there is damage caused by weather or fire, your policy will pay more than it would have had you not had such an upgrade done on your house.

How do you know if your roof is about to collapse?

The signs are pretty obvious. If you have a hole in the roof, or if water is coming through it and your ceiling is wet, then you have a problem that needs to be addressed right away. But what if it’s not so obvious? What if there are no holes or leaks? The first thing to look for is discoloration on the ceiling below the attic vent. If there’s mold growing here, then you may have moisture issues inside your attic that need immediate attention.

Another sign that something is wrong with your roof is when you hear noises coming from above, especially when no one else is home. This could be caused by animals getting into the attic, but it could also mean that your roof needs maintenance.

The biggest indicators are ceiling sections that sag, and windows and doors that have become hard to open, which could mean that your roof has shifted. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to have your roof inspected by a professional as soon as possible.

Does roof age affect appraisal value?

The answer to this question is yes. The age of the roof will affect the appraisal value of your house. However, there is no specific age bracket for roofs that can be considered old and require replacement. It all depends on how well it has been maintained over time and how much damage it has sustained over time due to weather conditions or other factors such as wear and tear.

If you notice any signs of damage or wear on your existing roof such as cracks, missing shingles, or tiles, replace them immediately before they cause further damage to the structure of your home.

How does a new roof add value to your home?

A new roof can add value to your home in several ways. It improves the curb appeal of your property, making it more appealing to future buyers, and increases its resale value. A new roof also protects your house from water damage and other weather-related issues such as ice dams. The appraisal process takes into consideration the cost of labor, materials, and any additional costs associated with having a new roof installed.

What type of roofing material should I use?

One of the first things that you need to consider when choosing a new roof is what type of material is best suited for your home. There are many different types of materials available, ranging from wood shingles to metal tiles. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to weigh them all before making your final decision.

Cedar shake wood roofs are one of the most expensive and beautiful options available. However, they aren’t very durable and tend to warp over time if they’re not cared for properly. Not every house will benefit from such a roof system and it’s won’t last longer than other, more affordable, roofing systems available.

Metal tiles/panels offer great, long term, solutions but can be expensive and difficult to install. Maintenance is another factor to consider with metal roofs.

Clay or concrete tiles are heavy but offer excellent durability and strength, making them ideal for areas with high winds or frequent storms.

Asphalt shingles are one of the best options available. It’s easy to install, maintain or repair, making them the most affordable option. Many color variations can make almost any property drastically upgrade their curb appeal. However, they aren’t as durable as other types of roofing systems and may be not the best option in the regions with severe winds or hail events.

Factors that you need to consider are the style of your home, your budget, the type of roof you have, the location of your home, and how much maintenance it requires. A roofing contractor can determine the best material for long-lasting results.

The Value of a Roof

Installation of the roof

Roofing is a major investment and one that you shouldn’t take lightly. A good roof will protect your house from the elements, making it more attractive and increasing its resale value. The roof itself is one of the most important parts of any home, as it protects occupants from weather conditions and extreme temperatures.

Your first line of defense against rain or snow should be a sturdy shingle or tile roof installed by professionals who know what they’re doing.

But does a new roof increase home value? Yes, it does as you have discovered today.

So, if you’re looking to sell your home and want a new roof, consider these factors when choosing a contractor:

  • A good roof will increase the value of your home by adding curb appeal.
  • A bad roof, however, can lower its value significantly.
  • If your house is looking a little worse for wear and you want to sell it, you may be wondering if a new roof will help or hinder your efforts.

Roof maintenance is key because the roof is your first line of defense against weather conditions and extreme temperatures. No matter how beautiful your home is, it still needs a roof to keep you and your family (or future home buyers) safe from the elements. A good quality roof will protect your home from:

  • Rainstorms
  • Hail
  • High Winds
  • Snow
  • Extreme Temperatures

Regular maintenance can extend the life of your roof. When your roof is properly maintained, it can last for 30 to 40 years. If you’re thinking about selling your home soon, regular roof inspections will help you get more money from potential buyers.

It’s important to keep up with regular maintenance, whether you have a new or an older roof. This will help ensure that your roof lasts as long as possible and works properly throughout its lifespan, preventing premature failure and costly repairs.

And don’t forget the choice of roofing material makes a difference:

The choice of material used in building the roof can also have an impact on the overall value of your home. It’s important to note that although some materials may be more aesthetically pleasing than others, they might not offer protection against weather conditions or extreme temperatures as well as other materials. This is why it’s essential to choose wisely when making decisions regarding what kind of material should be used for your new roof replacement project.

Roofing contractor in Pittsburgh

For decades, MY PITTSBURGH ROOFING has been working with a variety of roofing materials. We were founded based on a deep passion. There is just something so satisfying about making a house beautiful again after years of weathered damage. We truly believe that everyone deserves to have a home that they love, and we are passionate about helping our customers achieve that.

We understand that proper work must go into any roofing issue so that it will increase the value of your home. Call us today and our experts will go out of their way to ensure you get a fair free estimate.

Learn more about the top signs your home needs a new roof.

Author: Gino Slipko, Lisa Dunn