“How do you protect your roof from a warm climate,” you ask? Well – if you live in a place where the summers are hot and muggy, heat and moisture can cause damage that’s hard to fix. That’s where roof protection comes in – it helps protect your roof from the dangers that come with a warm climate. By upgrading or replacing your roof at the right time, you can save yourself a lot of hassle and money down the road.

Let’s learn how:

  • To protect roof from heat in summer.
  • What roof protection systems are available to help decrease heat from the sun.
  • And which ones are best for your specific needs.

The Most Important Reasons to Protect Your Roof During the Summer!

Shingle roof

With warm climates comes the risk of your roof deteriorating faster than usual. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to shield your roof from the sun (and the rain, too!). There are many products on the market that will suit your needs and protect your property. It’s important to choose the right one for your property and budget. Remember to consult with a roofing specialist to get an accurate estimate of the cost of roof protection and some expert advice on how to protect your roof.

Reason #1 | Ultraviolet Rays

Roofs are one of the major targets for harmful UV rays. These rays can cause damage to your roof, leading to leaks. To avoid any potential damage, it is important to consult with a professional before taking any protective measures. They will know how to protect house roof from sun heat in your specific situation.

Reason #2 | Sun Heat

Believe it or not, the sweltering heat waves we see each summer are causing roofs to fail more frequently. Heat causes materials in your roof to expand and contract, which can cause leaks or damage. In fact, we bet you didn’t know that roof failures during extreme temperatures cost U.S businesses and residences an estimated $2 billion every year! That’s why it is so important that you maintain regular roof maintenance even during cool seasons – just one failure could lead to much bigger costs down the line.

Which is Best – Roof Upgrades or Replacement?

Roof replacement

When it comes to how to protect your roof from sun heat, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. That’s because the best way to do it depends on the type of roof you have, the climate in which you live, and other factors.

There are several factors that any professional can help with when it comes to making a decision on whether to upgrade or replace your roof when it comes to heat protection or if you have issues that need to be resolved with your existing roof.

Roof Upgrade Tips

  • If your roof is damaged or inefficient, it might be a good idea to upgrade. For example, if you live in harsh weather conditions involving higher temps during the summer, a waterproof coating will reflect heat away from the inside of your home.
  • Focus on improving the insulation and ventilation of your roof to reduce energy costs if what you have now does not necessarily need to be replaced.
  • Do you live in an area that is prone to wildfires? If so, upgrading to asphalt fiberglass shingles may be a good product to look into.

Roof Replacement Tip

If your roof is more than 20 years old, it may be time to start thinking about replacing it. Read more about when to know if you need a roof replacement.

Bottom Line:

As the temperatures start to rise, it’s important to protect your roof from the heat. Not only will this help to keep your home cooler in the summer, but it can also help to prevent damage to your roof. Whether you decide to upgrade or replace your roof, make sure to consult with a professional roof protection system installer.

Protecting Different Types of Roofs from the Sun

Roof installation

Summertime is the perfect time to get your home protected from the sun. There are products to help you with this. For example:

  • Solar Shingles help absorb sunlight so that your home can be kept cooler.
  • Another great option is to install a reflective coating on your roofing system. This will help reflect sunlight away from your house during the day (applicable for the flat or metal roofing systems).

That said, make sure to check with your insurance company before installing any new features on your home – they may have rules about what you can and cannot do! That’s why it’s always best to contact a roofing professional.

All roofs keep your home protected from the sun, obviously, but the following roof types are highly regarded in the arena of keeping your home more cool than other roofing types.

Flat Roofs

Flat roofs are a popular choice; however, this popularity comes with a few risks that you need to be aware of. Flat roofs require regular protection from the sun’s harsh rays. To do this, you need to have a sealant applied every 4-5 years in summer season (though sealing your roof in all four seasons is recommended). The best way to make sure that your sealant is durable and lasts for long periods of time during summers or winters is by using a quality product that has been proven effective in the past.

Metal Roofing

Metal roofs tend to be very durable. There are a variety of different metal roofing systems available that can protect your home from the sun’s heat and glare. Make sure you get a metal roof installation inspected by an expert before making any decisions.

Slate Roofing

Slate roofing is a great option for contemporary or modern homes that are looking for an interesting and unique look. It’s also one of the most durable roofing options available, making it perfect for areas where weather conditions can be unpredictable.

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are a popular roofing material because they offer good protection from the sun, weather, and pests. They also last a long time and can be easily maintained. However, shingle roofs will require more often inspection for damage – especially cracks in the surface – and should be replaced if they start to peel or split.

Most Importantly: Seek Professional Advice

Installed roof

When it comes to protecting your roof from the heat, there are a few things to be aware of. For example, it is illegal to paint angled roofs due to the danger of bright reflections. Additionally, painting a pitched roof is also illegal in most circumstances. Roofing is a surprisingly complex legal area, and it is always preferable to leave it to professionals. If you’re in any doubt whatsoever, it’s always best to speak to an expert.

To keep your roof in good condition, it’s always best to seek professional advice when it comes to replacing or upgrading it. That way, you can be sure that the protection system you choose is the right fit for your roof and the environment in which it’s located. Working at height can also be hazardous, so using a professional is always advisable. And, of course, the peace of mind that comes with knowing your roof is protected by a warranty or guarantee is a huge plus.

MY PITTSBURGH ROOFING can help you determine the route to take when it comes to ensuring your roofing system has what it needs to protect you from heat, fire, and harsh weather conditions. Schedule a free consultation today!

Author: Gino Slipko, Lisa Dunn